The People Behind The Products - Bird House
Now known as the ‘bird box man’ of Modus due to his relentless work on the 500 bird boxes for our #staychirpy project, which saw these beautiful bird box kits, designed by SmithMatthias, go to every school in South Somerset, Andy was pretty relaxed about switching the joinery team from cutting cabinets to bird box kits. In fact, he is pretty relaxed about most things. Juggling calling clients with putting all the kits together ‘is all about pitching in’.
Andy says he enjoys our fast-paced environment and the big-family culture. ‘What’s really nice is everyone is happy coming to work here.’ Family is hugely important to Andy. Above all others Andy says he admires his Mum, at 86 years young she is still a massive part of his life. We like that.
Andy is also very proud of his kids, his daughter is working for the NHS at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, currently on the front line in a COVID-19 ward and his son works for Wessex Water and is a member of the Royal Signals Territorial Army.
Andy’s warm personality and chilled out attitude have definitely helped him settle in and he seems to bring a little bit of calm wherever he goes and in these turbulent times we could all do with some of that.